The Corona Virus Disease 2019 or CoViD-19 is a fearsome foe which put the whole world is a panic and shock. With its new Omicron variant, we should double our efforts to avoid the virus so here are ways to protect and keep yourself safe during this new wave in the global pandemic. Stay at home, do not go out in public when unnecessary. In this way, you can avoid contact with people who are possibly infected by the virus. Wash your hands, simple hand washing can go a long way in protecting you from the disease. Do this regularly for at least 20 seconds or two happy birthday songs and avoid touching your eyes, noise, and mouth. You can also kill the virus by using rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer. If going out in public for emergencies or necessary needs, wear a facemask and face shield in order to block the virus from entering your body. Practice social distancing by standing at least 6 feet or 2 meters away from another person and avoid physical contact if possible. Upon going home, immediately disinfect the supplies from outside like groceries and take a shower to wash off the possible traces of the virus. Lastly, get vaccinated. CoViD-19 vaccines are administered world wide, you can inquire in your local barangay health center or clinic and schedule for a vaccination. This creates a layer of protection along with other benefits when vaccinated against CoViD-19. If you or a relative are experiencing severe symptoms off the virus, call your local CoViD-19 hotline or the Philippine National Hotline flashing on the screen. Self isolate and quarantine yourself for 14 days or until you recover from the disease to make sure that traces of the virus are gone. With these steps we can achieve great protection against CoViD-19 which will benefit not only yourself but also your family, friends, and the whole world. We call all take our part to keep the world safe from this pandemic–be CoViD-19 ready.